• ADEW: An Arab Feminist Blog

    Welcome to ADEW's blog. We explore the stories and issues women in Egyptian squatter communities face daily, such as domestic violence, poverty and marginalization. We hope to explore the ways our community can empower these women, and create a lasting impact in their lives.

Help make a dream come true!

Posted by ADEW On 5:11 AM 0 comments

The populations of Masr El Qadima, Mainsheet Nasser and Agouza areas, together with the members of the Helwan, Gharbia and Qualubyia governorates live in extreme poverty which has directly affected the shape and character of the education that their children receive.

The poor background and harsh conditions of these students makes it very difficult for their parents to pay their tuition fees. A large number of the students enrolled in these public schools are not capable of paying their tuition fees and have parents who are not capable of providing basic support for their own children. The basic materials that any student needs (uniforms, books, notebooks, etc.) are not available for these poor children because their parents cannot simply afford them. Providing these students with these vital necessities would bring about many opportunities for them and it would remove an enormous burden from their parents.

Therefore, in order to alleviate poverty and promote access to education, the Association for the Development and Enhancement of Women would like to invite you all to join our mission of providing children living in squatter areas with access to education by offering them scholarships. A small donation today can change the future of a child forever.

The scholarship for each student is LE 1,000 for each scholastic year. This scholarship would enable a child to afford the tuition fees, uniform, books, school bag, stationery, shoes and sports uniform.

Help make a dream come true!


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